About the artist

mapDuring the last Turkish siege of Vienna, Imperial (Habsburg) dragoons attacked the Turkish camp outside the city. Several engagements were fought at Nussdorf and what was called the “Turkenshanz” or field fortification on September 12, 1683.

The Turkenshanz park is now in the city of Vienna and adjacent to the Peter-Jordan Strasse. I was born on that street at the 110th Station Army Hospital. It was 1952.

And so begins all this before you, Munchhausen, Jan Sobieski, Sultan Memet, Franz Lehar, Napoleon and I now rule all Christendom from St. Stephans, to Ezergom, from the Iron Gates, the Danube down to the sea.

bob (5)Here are renderings done in both colored pencil and pen. They comprise impossible situations, some unreasonable processions, powdery simulations and amaranthine cavalcades on their way to the end of the earth. They range from simple studies to completed drawings priced from $200.00 to $1500.00.

Gerome, Detaille, Ingres enchant me to this day. I feel I must have known them at one time. History is important, when time was still new… It’s where I’m from.

Servus, B.